Short-Term Suspension Centers

  • The ֶƵshort-term out-of-school suspension centers are dedicated to students' intellectual, personal, social, and physical growth. Our teaching practices are reflective and responsive to the needs of our students. Through diversified experiences, the students we serve achieve readiness to return to their home school and succeed in a safe and caring environment.

    Parents/guardians of students who have received a referral for a level I, II, or III offense warranting an out-of-school suspension will be allowed to attend one of the short-term suspension sites. Students suspended for one to ten days or given additional days by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) Superintendent (or designee) may receive the option of attending a short-term site where they can complete their school assignments and receive credit for attending school. It is also designed to provide a structured, restorative, and individualized learning environment. Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation provides seven (7) short-term sites at no cost to the district. ֶƵemployees staff all sites (Teachers, TAs, and/or BMTs).

    Contact the Student Discipline and Behavior Support Department at 980-343-3768 for location information.


    Official ֶƵout-of-school suspension form
    • Parents/ guardians must present ID upon arriving at orientation
    • Only family members/people listed in PowerSchool will be allowed to participate in orientation and other procedures at the site.


    • On the first day of enrollment, parents and students must report for orientation at 7:50 a.m.

      ● Each center follows the traditional ֶƵschool calendar operating on ֶƵschool days from 8:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Each center is staffed with certified ֶƵstaff.

      ● Each student/family must bring their suspension paperwork with them to the center they plan to attend on the first day.

      ● Enrollment is on a first-come-first-served basis. Once maximum capacity is reached at a center, on-site staff will work with the parent to communicate between centers to find space.

      ● Parents may choose the site of their child’s attendance, but must attend orientation at 7:50 a.m. on the first day of enrollment for each assigned suspension.

      ● Students will not be admitted after 8:30 a.m. following the first day of enrollment.

      ● As enrollment is voluntary, transportation will not be provided.

      ● Meals will be provided (lunch and breakfast) at the same cost as at your child’s homeschool (meal accounts will be charged) courtesy of ֶƵChild Nutrition.

      ● Each center is equipped with ֶƵtechnology. Students are permitted to bring ֶƵissued technology, that may only be used for academic purposes.

      ● Home schools must provide work to students upon suspension (hardcopy and/or electronic), if that work is completed, supplementary work will be assigned to students.



    Indicaciones para llegar al MGD Short Term Center desde South Tryon:

    Indicaciones para llegar al MGD Short Term Center desde South Tryon:

    Tome Griffith Street hasta Bank Street y gire a la derecha en MGD

    campus inferior.

    • El primer día de inscripción, los padres y los estudiantes deben presentarse para recibir orientación a las 8:00 a.m.
    • Cada centro sigue el calendario escolar tradicional de ֶƵque funciona en los días escolares de ֶƵde 8:30 a.m. a 3:00 p.m.
    • La inscripción se realiza por orden de llegada. Una vez que se alcanza la capacidad máxima en un centro, el personal en el lugar trabajará con los padres para comunicarse entre los centros y encontrar espacio.
    • Los padres pueden elegir el sitio de asistencia de sus hijos, pero deben asistir a la orientación a las 8:00 a.m. del primer día de inscripción para cada suspensión asignada.
    • Los estudiantes no serán admitidos después de las 8:30 a.m.después del primer día de inscripción.
    • Como la inscripción es voluntaria, no se proporcionará transporte.
    • Las comidas se proporcionarán (almuerzo y desayuno) al mismo costo que en la escuela en casa de su hijo (se cobrarán las cuentas de comidas) por cortesía de ֶƵChild Nutrition.
    • Cada centro está equipado con tecnología CMS. Los estudiantes pueden traer tecnología emitida por CMS, que solo se puede usar con fines académicos.
    • Las escuelas de origen deben proporcionar clase / tarea a los estudiantes después de la suspensión (copia impresa y / o electrónica), y los estudiantes deben tener este trabajo con ellos antes de ser admitidos.
    • Cada centro cuenta con personal de CMS
Información de contacto de los centros de suspensión fuera de la escuela a corto plazo Para padres