Leader in Me

  • KVESLeader In Me - Ericson Elementary 

    Discovering the Leader in Me: Empowering Elementary Students

    At Knights View Elementary School, we're committed to fostering not just academic excellence, but also nurturing the leadership potential within every child. One of the cornerstones of our approach is the Leader in Me framework, which has transformed school cultures and empowered students in profound ways all around the world. 

    What is Leader in Me?

    Leader in Me is not just a curriculum; it's a philosophy that teaches children essential leadership and life skills based on Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." These habits serve as a framework for personal growth, interpersonal effectiveness, and leadership development from a young age.

    Why is Leader in Me Important?

    1. Building Self-Confidence: Through Leader in Me, students learn to set goals, prioritize tasks, and take initiative. This process builds their self-confidence and instills a sense of responsibility for their own learning and behavior.
    1. Developing Life Skills: The 7 Habits—such as being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and synergizing—provide practical skills that students can apply in their daily lives, both inside and outside the classroom.
    1. Creating Responsible Citizens: By understanding the importance of teamwork, communication, and empathy, students develop into responsible citizens who contribute positively to their community.
    1. Fostering Leadership: Leader in Me empowers every student to be a leader, whether it's through taking on roles in school activities, leading classroom discussions, or mentoring peers. This approach nurtures leadership potential in all children, regardless of their background or academic strengths.
    1. Positive School Culture: Implementing Leader in Me has transformed our school into a place where every voice is valued and respected. It promotes a positive school culture where collaboration, inclusivity, and personal growth are celebrated.

    Our Commitment to Excellence

    At Knights View Elementary School, we are proud to see our students flourish as leaders who are capable of making a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. The Leader in Me framework is not just a curriculum; it's a catalyst for personal and collective growth, preparing our students to thrive in an ever-changing world.

    Join us in celebrating the achievements of our young leaders and supporting their journey towards greatness with Leader in Me!