


    CPEC 2024-2025 Student Dress Code

    The goal of our dress code policy is to foster a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for all students. This policy is designed to ensure that dress requirements do not reinforce stereotypes or perpetuate any form of discrimination.

    General Guidelines

    1. Inclusivity: The dress code applies equally to all students, regardless of gender, race, religion, body size, or any other personal characteristic.

    2. Respect: Clothing should respect the school environment and not display offensive language, images, or promote illegal activities.

    3. Safety: Attire should not compromise the safety of the student or others.

    Specific Requirements

    1. Tops:

      • Must cover the front, back, and sides.

      • Tank tops, T-shirts, blouses, and shirts are permitted.

      • Spaghetti straps, off-shoulder tops, and sleeveless tops are allowed if they cover undergarments and do not expose the midriff excessively.

    2. Bottoms:

      • Pants, jeans, skirts, shorts, and dresses should be of appropriate length (must reach at least mid-thigh when standing).

      • Leggings and yoga pants are permitted if worn with a top that covers the buttocks.

    3. Footwear:

      • Shoes must be worn at all times. For safety reasons, closed-toe shoes are required in certain classes (e.g., physical education, science labs).

    4. Headwear:

      • Hats, beanies, stocking caps, bonnets and hoodies are not permitted to be worn inside of the building or in classrooms

      • Religious head wear is permitted at all times.

    5. Accessories:

      • Jewelry and accessories are allowed unless they pose a safety hazard or distract from the learning environment.

      • Sunglasses are not to be worn indoors unless for medical reasons.



    1. Non-Discriminatory: Dress code enforcement will be consistent and non-discriminatory. Staff will address dress code violations privately and respectfully.

    2. Corrective Measures: If a student's attire is deemed inappropriate, they will be asked to change or adjust their clothing. Repeated violations may result in parental contact or further school consequences.

    3. Appeals: Students and parents may appeal dress code decisions to the school administration. Appeals will be reviewed promptly and fairly.

    Special Considerations

    1. Cultural and Religious Attire: Cultural and religious garments are respected and allowed. Students are encouraged to speak with school administration if they have any specific needs.

    2. Body Positivity: The dress code supports body positivity and does not shame or target students based on body type or size.

    Review and Feedback

    This dress code policy will be reviewed annually with input from students, parents, and staff to ensure it remains equitable and inclusive.



    Note: This policy aims to respect student expression while maintaining a focus on a conducive educational environment. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact the school administration.