• P.R.O.U.D. to be a Selwyn Eagle



     P.R.O.U.D. to be a Selwyn Eagle!

    All Learning Spaces

    Arrival &







    Special Events



    Complete all assignments


    Demonstrate COURAGE when working through challenging assignments or conflicts

    Arrive & leave on time with hands and feet to yourself

    Walk noise-free & safely, facing forward

    Use space promptly


    Wait quietly with hands and feet to yourself


    Sit on your bottom with feet under the table


    Talk quietly



    Be active


    Try new tasks, equipment and games

    Remain in seat and face forward


    Listen and follow you driver’s directions

    Stay seated on your bottom with legs criss-cross





    Cooperate with others


    Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself


    Handle conflict with kind words and discussion


    Listen and follow your teachers’ directions


    Engage in learning

    Resolve conflicts peacefully


    Handle conflict with kind words and discussion


    Greet adults and friends in the hallways

    Keep hands and feet to yourself


    Stop at intersections to let others pass

    Be noise free


    Be patient


    Handle conflict with kind words and discussion


    Use polite manners


    No sharing food


    Greet and thank the cafeteria workers EVERY time

    Use equipment for its intended purpose


    Stay out of others’ personal spaces


    Handle conflict with kind words and discussion


    Keep hands, feet and all objects to yourself


    Listen for your stop



    Listen to the presenter


    Eyes and ears on the speaker


    Use appropriate applause


    Own your actions



    Stay on task


    Act with INTEGRITY



    Go straight to class


    Walk in the hallways


    Engage in hallway B3 activities


    Get breakfast before class

    Be safe & walk quietly


    Engage in B3 hallway actions


    Stay in line, facing forward



    Keep clean


    Use one pump of soap


    Throw away your trash


    Flush the toilet


    Keep your area clean and remove all trash


    Listen & follow directions



    Play fair and follow the expectations of the game





    Act with INTEGRITY


    Stay seated, facing forward


    Keep your backpack closed


    Refrain from eating or drinking

    Sit quietly, on your bottom with legs criss-cross for the duration of the assembly


    On field trips, follow teacher or leader directions


    Understanding of others’ feelings

    Use kind words and actions


    Help others


    Show EMPATHY

    Help others when needed

    Move out of the way when needed


    Greet others



    Honor others’ privacy

    Show kindness in words and actions


    Be a friend

    Show kindness in words and actions


    Be a friend



    Show kindness in words and actions


    Greet your driver

    Participate in the event


    Show appreciation through appropriate applause



    Follow directions


    Listen & pay attention to the speaker


    Participate in class activities and show TEAMWORK


    Be prepared for class

    Go straight to class


    Complete morning routines independently


    Know where you are going and go there directly

    Use proper handwashing and hygiene


    Report facility problems to your teacher

    Get everything you need the first time


    Walk quietly and safely


    Raise your hand to ask for help

    Respond when a teacher calls


    Line up promptly with all personal belongings


    Report problems to an adult

    Stay clear of the roadway and moving bus


    Enter and exit safely with all personal belongings


    Report problems to driver

    Enter and exit quietly, walking, looking at your teacher


    Allow others to focus on the presentation