• College Board Exam Accommodations (PSAT, SAT, AP)
    Accommodations are given only to students who have already been approved through the College Board. The College Board does not require you to register for a specific exam prior to requesting accommodations approval. However, there are deadlines published for each exam which you need to be aware of - check their website.  

     To initiate the process, the parent must: 

    1. Print the 
    2. Fill out and sign (both parent and student sign this one)
    3. Return it in a sealed envelope labeled to the attention of Ms. Wilkins, Testing Coordinator
    4. Ms. Wilkins will upload the request along with accompanying documentation. 

    For information on what documents could be required please see the . 

    You will receive a notification letter when a decision has been made.

    Accommodations approved by the College Board will be honored for all College Board assessments for the duration of your child's high school career as long as the IEP or 504 Plan remains in place with the given accommodations.

     Be aware that it can take up to 7-8 weeks to receive a decision, and we ask that you give them at least 1 week to process your application, so please plan accordingly.

    Be sure to check the for each specific test.

    ACT Accommodations
    For students with accommodations planning to take the ACT at Cato (TBA) (11th graders only), a parent/guardian or student must go online to download and print the  form.

    1. Sign the form
    2. Write the ACT date that the student will register/has registered for on the form
    3. Return it in a sealed envelope labeled to the attention of Natisha Wilkins, Testing Coordinator.
    4. Ms. Wilkins will then complete the ACT Accommodations Request and notify you when a decision is made. 

    The deadline to request accommodations for ACT is in January.  Be aware that it can take up to 7 weeks to receive a decision, and we ask that you give them at least 1 week to process your application, so please plan accordingly.

    Students who receive approval for accommodations on the ACT:

    1. May use their approval to streamline a request for the same accommodations for a future ACT test administration. NOTE: Ms. Wilkins must be contacted in order to update the student's record in the Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) system so the student will be associated with the new test and test administration. 

    Any student whose accommodations are NOT approved by ACT will have two options:

    1. The student can choose to take the ACT with no accommodations and will receive a score that CAN be reported to colleges.
    2. The student can take the ACT with their State-Allowed accommodations (accommodations that are in the student's IEP or 504 Plan that was not approved by ACT), and will receive scores that are NOT able to be reported to colleges.

    Be sure to check the for each specific test.