Volunteer Opportunities at Pinewood

  • It is our mission at Pinewood to provide a bright, positive, and nurturing environment to help each child develop to his/her fullest potential. Here are some ways you can help us!

    1. Mentor a child. Based on your preferences, we will pair you with a student who needs a little extra one-on-one attention. Serve as a lunch buddy or a tutor (or a combo!), meeting as frequently as your schedule allows. We will provide you with specific information and activities that will help the child in his/her individual needs.

    2. Assist office personnel. If working with children is not your specialty, then help our office staff! Relieve them during a lunch hour, greeting visitors, answering phones, delivering messages to teachers, or sorting mail and/or paperwork.

    3. Shelve books in the library.  Our media specialist teaches six to seven classes a day, which does not leave her much time to maintain all the books our 500+ students are checking out. Help us encourage students to read by keeping books on the shelves!

    4. Support our growing PTA.  We have several other parents on board helping to improve our school. Share your experiences and assist with organizing a fundraising effort or planning a family night event (Super Bowl Family Night's etc.)

    5. Lead garden committee.  Did you know that each class at Pinewood has its own garden?  Help us tend to the gardens on a Saturday or workday or meet roughly once a month to schedule plantings and projects that will promote healthy eating and sustainability!

    • Register to be a Volunteer

      Whether you want to help with PTA events, assist in the classroom, or chaperone a field trip, you need to be registered as a volunteer so that a background check can be completed.  Student safety is always our number one priority, so we appreciate your willingness to complete these easy steps.