School Improvement Plan (SIP)

  • To access our School Improvement Plan, visit and use GuestS16809  as the username and password. Guest Access will allow stakeholders to review the School Improvement Plan, School Improvement Team members (with date of election), Agendas, and Meeting Minutes.

    Username: GuestS16809 

    Password:  GuestS16809

    Meeting Dates: 8/24/23, 9/25/23, 10/23/23, 11/27/23, 12/18/23, 1/29/24, 2/26/24, 3/25/24, 4/22/24, 6/3/24

    Meeting Time: 4:15-5:15

    Meeting Location: Media Center



School Improvement Team (SIT)

  • Members of the School Improvement Team (SIT) are directly involved in the development and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan, and as appropriate, some of the day-to-day operations of the school.

    The School Leadership Team:

    • Facilitates the development of the School Improvement Plan.
    • Uses data as the driving force to create programmatic instructional change.
    • Monitors, assesses, and amends the School Improvement Plan, as needed.
    • Advances policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety and parent involvement goals.
    • Facilitates communication within the Professional Learning Community.
    • Builds the capacity of the school to address parent and staff concerns.

School Improvement Team Members

    • Philip Steffes, Principal 
    • Michelle Bennett, Assistant Principal 
    • Megan Mayberry,  Elected Parent 6/6/22
    • Jessica Lively, Elected Parent 7/1/23
    • Rosey Mattera, Elected Parent  7/1/23  
    • Jana Sanders, Elected Parent  7/1/23  
    • Megan Wetzel, PTSA President   7/1/23  
    • Alison Plachta, Elected Teacher Representative (K-1st grades) 8/16/23  
    • Maria Meija-Sinclair, Elected Teacher Representative (2nd-3rd grades) 8/16/23  
    • Marla Chaney, Elected Teacher Representative (4th-5th grades) 8/16/23
    • Marilyn Wilbanks, Elected Staff Representative (Special Areas) 8/16/23  
    • Brad Ewing, Elected Staff Representative (Support Staff) 8/16/23  
    • Teacher Assistant Representative TBA