School Improvement Plan

    • To access our School Improvement Plan, visit  and use (GuestS16765) as the username and password.                                                              

    • Guest access will allow you, our valued stakeholders, to review the School Improvement Plan, School Improvement Team members (with the date of election), Agendas, and Meeting Minutes. It will also highlight our Vision, Values, Mission, and Indicators, which are the areas of focus we will use this year to continue to enhance our school's performance.

    • Please click to review additional information around how to navigate in the platform once you are logged in: 

School Improvement Team

  • The School Improvement Team performs the following duties:

    Members of the School Improvement Team are directly involved in the development of the School Improvement Plan and, as appropriate, some of the school's day-to-day operations. The School Improvement Team: Facilitates the development of the School Improvement Plan, uses data as the driving force to create programmatic instructional change, monitors, assesses, and amends the School Improvement Plan, as needed, and advances policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety, and parent involvement goals facilitate the communication within the Professional Learning CommunityBuilds the capacity of the school to address parent and staff concerns.

    HCE SIT 2023-2024

    •     SIT Member   į 

    •        Position        

    • Month/Year of Membership 

    • Ernest Saxton 

    • Principal 

    • 09/12 

    • Margie A. Brice 

    • Assistant Principal 

    • 09/13 

    • Jernetta McDaniels 

    • Parent 

    • 01/21 

    • Dana Williams 

    • Instructional Support Staff 

    • 01/21 

    • Joy Patterson 

    • Parent 

    • 04/21 

    • LaTasha Stinson 

    • Instructional Support Staff 

    • 09/22 

    • Lauren Fuller 

    • Parent 

    • 10/22 

    • Brooke Hartke 

    • Parent 

    • 10/22 

    • Elizabeth Sarver 

    • Parent 

    • 10/22 

    • Shayla Means – Williams 

    • Parent 

    • 10/22 

    • Catherine Fenton 

    • Teacher 

    • 09/23 

    • Amy Judd 

    • Teacher 

    • 09/23 

    • Krystle Martino 

    • Teacher Assistant 

    • 09/23 

    • Brian Williams 

    • Parent 

    • 09/23 

    • Meeting Date(s) 

    • Meeting Type 

    • Meeting Time 

    • September 11, 2023 

    • In-Person 




    •  į 


    • 5:00pm – 6:00pm  

    • October 02, 2023 

    • Zoom 

    • November 13, 2023 

    • Zoom 

    • December 04, 2023 

    • Zoom 

    • January 08, 2024 

    • Zoom 

    • February 05, 2024 

    • In- Person 

    • March 04, 2024 

    • Zoom 

    • April 15, 2024 

    • Zoom 

    • May 06, 2024 

    • Zoom 

    • June 03, 2024 

    • Zoom 

    • Zoom Meeting Link 

    • Join Zoom Meeting: 

      Meeting ID: 442 145 1080  
      Passcode: SLT  
