School Improvement Team (SIT)

  • Members of the School Leadership Team (SLT) are directly involved in the development and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan, and as appropriate, some of the day-to-day operations of the school.

    The School Leadership Team:

    • Facilitates the development of the School Improvement Plan.
    • Uses data as the driving force to create programmatic instructional change.
    • Monitors, assesses, and amends the School Improvement Plan, as needed.
    • Advances policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety and parent involvement goals.
    • Facilitates communication within the Professional Learning Community.
    • Builds the capacity of the school to address parent and staff concerns.
    Indistar is a web-based tool that guides a district or School Improvement Team in charting its improvement and managing the continuous improvement process.
    • Link: 

    • Guest Username and Password: GuestS16781

    The link that lists SIT for the 23-24 School Year
  • October 24th Virtual - 6pm 
    November 21st (In Person) Media Center - 8am
    December 18th (In person) Media Center - 8am
    January 30th Virtual - 6pm
    February 27th (In Person) Media Center - 8am
    March 20th Virtual - 6pm
    April 24th (In Person) Media Center - 8am
    May 20th Virtual - 6pm
    June 5th Virtual - 6pm

School Improvement Plan (SIP)

  • For access to the School Improvement Plan, use the Indistar login button and enter the information below.

    Login: GuestS16781

    Password: GuestS16781