School Improvement Plan

  • To access our School Improvement Plan, visit  

    Guest Login Information

    Username: GuestS16738

    Password: GuestS16738

    Guest Access will allow you, our valued stakeholders to review the School Improvement Plan, School Leadership Team members (with the date of election), Agendas, and Meeting Minutes. It will also highlight our Vision, Values, Mission, and Indicators, which are the areas of focus we will use this year to continue to enhance our school's performance.

School Improvement Team

  • Functions of the School Improvement Team (SIT):

    • Facilitates the involvement of the school community in the development of School Improvement Plan (SIP)
    • Encourages, supports and creates opportunities for involvement for parents in the community
    • Contributes to the design of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)
    • Monitors the effectiveness of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)

    Duties of the School Improvement Team (SLT):
    Although the School Improvement Team is not directly involved in the day to day operations of the school, it is involved in a number of tasks that affect the operation of the school.
    The School Improvement Team:

    • Facilitates the development of the School Improvement Plan 
    • Monitors, assesses and amends the School Improvement Plan
    • Advances policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety and parent involvement goals
    • Facilitates communication within the Professional Learning Community
    • Builds the capacity of the school to address parent and concerns
    • Builds the capacity of the school to improve in following areas:
      • Increasing the Graduation Rate
      • Effective Teaching and Leadership
      • Teaching and Learning through Technology
      • Environmental Stewardship
      • Performance Management
      • Parent and Community 

    SIT Team Member Name

    SIT Role/Representative

    *Please identify what seat or group this member is representing. See examples below.

    1. Layla Stanley


    1. JaRon Lindsey

    AP Representative

    1. Rachel A. Miller

    Instructional Staff

    1. Tina Mohrman

    Instructional Support Staff

    1. Janet Crowder-Carlisle

    Instructional Assistant

    1. Jared Bendel

    PTA/PTO/PTSA President/Designee

    1. Veronica Harvey


    1. Ryan Smith


    1. Latoya Holloman


    1. Joe Schuberth


    1. Corrine Schuberth


    1. Heather Becker


    1. David Zapata


    1. Frosintina Thiteng


    1. Victor Morgan Sr.


    School Improvement Team Meeting Schedule

    Here is the meeting link:   

    Meeting ID: 253 531 210 536Passcode: SVZ9Jw


    SIT Meetings are at 4:00

    PTA Meetings are at 4:30. 


    Date Time
    ​September 11th ​4:00 pm
    ​October 2nd 4:00​ pm
    ​November 13th 4:00 pm
    ​December 4th ​4:00 pm
    January 8th ​4:00 pm
    ​February 5th ​4:00 pm
    ​March 4th ​4:00 pm
    ​April 8th ​â¶Ä‹4:00&²Ô²ú²õ±è;±è³¾
    ​May 6th ​â¶Ä‹4:00&²Ô²ú²õ±è;±è³¾
    ​June 3rd ​â¶Ä‹4:00&²Ô²ú²õ±è;±è³¾