School Improvement Plan

  • “To access our School Improvement Plan, visit  and use username- LTS7091 password- NvTd

    Guest Access will allow stakeholders to review the School Improvement Plan, School Improvement Team members elected 09/21/2023, Agendas, and Meeting Minutes.”  



School Improvement Team

  • Members of the School Improvement Team (SIT) are directly involved in the development and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan, and as appropriate, some of the day-to-day operations of the school.

    The School Improvement Team:

    • Facilitates the development of the School Improvement Plan.
    • Uses data as the driving force to create programmatic instructional change.
    • Monitors, assesses, and amends the School Improvement Plan, as needed.
    • Advances policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety and parent involvement goals.
    • Facilitates communication within the Professional Learning Community.
    • Builds the capacity of the school to address parent and staff concerns.

SIT Members

  • 2023-2024 ARES School Improvement Team Members 

    Monica Palmer Prinicpal Elected on 9/21/23
    Arsella Austrie  Dean of Students Elected on 9/21/23
    Monica Heyliger Instructional Staff Elected on 9/21/23
    Sue Kind Instructional Support Staff Elected on 9/21/23
    Tina Jackson Instructional Support Staff Elected on 9/21/23
    Selena Delimata PTA/PTO/PTSA President/Designee Elected on 9/21/23
    Vonda Gibson Parent Elected on 9/21/23
    Clivia Milburn Parent Elected on 9/21/23
    Nicole Turza Parent Elected on 9/21/23
    Dominique Norman Parent Elected on 9/21/23
    Bryan Burnett Parent  Elected on 9/21/23
    Daniel Cobbins Instructional Staff Elected on 9/21/23


Meeting Schedule

  • 2023-2024 School Leadership Team Meeting Schedule
    LOCATION: Media Center  (log in information for Indistar:  Username: Guests7091 Password: guests7091)

    DATES: The 2023-2024 ARES School Improvement Team Meeting Schedule (the first Thursday of every month from 4:30-6:00)

    Date Time

    School Improvement Team Minutes

    October 5th ​4:00-5:00  
    November 2nd 4:00-5:00  
    December 7th 4:00-5:00  
    January 4th  4:00-5:00  
    Febuary 1st 4:00-5:00  
    March 7th ​4:00-5:00  
    April 4th ​4:00-5:00  
    May 2nd 4:00-5:00  
    June 6th  4:00-5:00