Students who entered 9th grade in the 2022-2023 school year

  • The North Carolina School of Science and Math visit to Palisades: The NCSSM is an amazing opportunity for high achieving students with an interest in STEM. During the visit, they will be discussing the school's residential program, virtual program, and summer opportunities. 

    There are many benefits associated with graduating from NCSSM, but one of the main ones that students are most intrigued by is the automatic admission to any UNC system College or University.  Yes, this includes UNC-Chapel Hill!  

    Who: The NCSSM is looking for high achieving students with at least a 3.5 GPA, who are interested in at least one of their programs.

    When: October 25, 2023 at 1:00pm

    How to attend: Please complete this  if you would like to meet with the representative.

    For more information about NCSSM: Please visit their website at 

  • NC Governor's School

    Governor's School is North Carolina's most prestigious 4-week summer residential program where some of the brightest students come together to focus on a discipline of their choice. 

     The academic disciplines available in Governor's School are:  


    And the Art disciplines available in Governor's School are:


    *Please note that 10th grade students are only allowed to apply for a discipline within the Arts.


    To discover more information about Governor's School please visit their website 


    If you are a hard working student and would like to further explore any of the disciplines above, please consider applying to Governor's School!  Any NC high school student can apply, but you will be among the strongest applicants if you have ANY of the below qualifications:  


    If you are interested in Governor's School for Summer of 2024, please fill out the following form no later than Wednesday October 18th.  Once you complete the form, Mrs. Rivers will reach out to you through email regarding next steps to completing your application.  The final deadline to have all application materials sent to Mrs. Rivers is November 3rd, so the sooner you submit the interest form, the sooner you can begin the process!



    One of our counselors, Mrs. Davis, attended Governor's School when she was in high school. If you would like to hear about her experience, email her and she would love to speak with you. "Governor's School absolutely changed my life! It was one of the most amazing experiences I had in high school. It helped me feel more prepared for college, broadened my knowledge and skills, and I made lifelong friends. This is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity that you do not want to miss out on!" -Mrs. Davis